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scaling techniques

 A Classification of Scaling techniques 


  1. Comparative 

  1. Non-comparative 


Comparative scales involve the direct comparison of stimulus objects. Comparative scale data must be interpreted in relative terms and have only ordinal or rank order properties. 

Under comparative they are four kind of techniques 

1.paired comparison 

2.rank order 

3.constant sum 

4.q sort and other procedures 


In non-comparative scales, each object is scaled independently of the others in the stimulus set. The resulting data are generally assumed to be interval or ratio scaled. 

Under non comparative scales they are two kinds 

1.continuous rating scales 

2.itemized rating scales 

Again, under itemized scaling they are three kind 


2.semantic differential 



Paired comparison 

An activity for evaluating a small range of options by comparing them against each other. 


Rank order scaling 

Respondents are presented with several objects simultaneously and asked to order or rank them according to some criterion. 




Constant sum scale  

Respondents allocate a fixed number of rating points among several objects to reflect relative preference. 


Q sort scaling 

A type of comparative scale where respondents are asked to sort between 60-90 objects into piles according to some criteria. It is useful technique for sorting relatively large numbers of objects quite quickly. 



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